About us
A place to feel like home.
At The Safehouse BD, we pride ourselves in having the opportunity to accommodate and provide support to Adults and Service Users aged 18 to 65. We also encourage and support our residents in accessing employment, education and training - with our help and dedication to ensure a smooth transition. Once individuals are at an independent level, they can shift to their own home. This is done by offering key-working sessions, which will assist them in building up skills in areas that require extra provision.
There is no timescale for when a Service User should be ready for his or her own home. This is done to ensure they are ready and prepared before taking this major step in their lives. Over this time, they will be set up with their own bank accounts, passport, benefits and anything else you would expect someone living independently to possess. When they are assessed as ready, staff will begin setting them up in their own homes. This will be a slow transition from semi-independence to a home of their choosing.

Our Dedicated Staff
Our Service Manager has over 20 years extensive experience in social care, substance misuse, supported living and in mental health. Our director is an advanced social care professional and possesses relevant qualifications and substantial experience working in this field.
Our staff provide excellent, positive role models for adults’ we support. The staff have degrees in varying disciplines and have undergone vigorous training in the safeguarding of vulnerable adults.
We endeavour to work in collaboration with individuals’ families in order to support them in improving relationships and actively support them to manage and maintain positive links in their lives.
We also liaise with external agencies to support the work carried out with service users, this includes drug and alcohol services, Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) Services. We also provide cogent one to one key-working sessions which include radicalisation awareness, gang influence and implication, drug dealing awareness, drug and alcohol, sexual exploitation, FGM (female genital mutilation support),
We encourage physical fitness and some staff members have experience as fitness trainers.
Our semi-independent homes are secured by CCTV and staffed 24-hours by a member of our highly-trained team.